Research + Development

Explore Your Questions with OMSI

We are always learning. Through relationships, including partnerships, people curious about creating a more equitable future, can co-create real-world research and development projects to turn ideas into action. To begin exploring your questions, contact Marcie Benne at

STEAM Learning

Knowledge and power belong to us all—community involvement in research and development leads to STEAM learning experiences that keep curiosity constantly in motion.

BeeBots in Action

STEAM Education Practices

As lifelong learners, facilitators from all backgrounds study, evolve, and share STEAM education practices that welcome and support each learners’ meaning-making adventures.

Keep Carbon in the Ground

Informed Action

We are navigating this fascinating world together—our learning is powered through the courage of questions, the wisdom of sharing, and the imagination for turning ideas into informed action.

Learning Communities Mobilized

We support each other every day—when we study how to work collaboratively and mobilize as learning communities, our collective potential far exceeds individual efforts.

Additional Resources

How can OMSI researchers help you design exhibits?

Learn what it takes for our in-house research team to help create science education experiences that you can apply to your everyday life.

More For You

Educator Professional Development