Busting Mis and Disinformation

The internet is a great place to research for any topic, from dinosaurs to clouds. But, as the internet and tech industries have grown, there is a larger opportunity to get doobed by misinformation, false or inaccurate information, or disinformation, false information which is intended to mislead. Mis- and disinformation are looming threats. It is important to teach young students how to discern information that may or may not be credible. 

As tech companies roll back misinformation regulation measures put in place during the COVID-19 Pandemic and the 2020 United States Election, it is important to stay safe online and find accurate information.

According to the National Institutes of Health, combating misinformation is multifactored. Seeking out information from trusted figures in your community, doing reverse image search to find if pictures with fantastical claims previously existed with another caption, and engaging with family and friends is key to limit the spread of false discourse.

It’s A Game

Bad News is a game that tests your ability to discern real and fake news. How many headlines can you detect are fake?

Check the Facts

The Rand Institute has given out a free resource to check claims that may be false. Any of these websites are approved to aid in busting fake news and facts.

Together we can stop the spread of misinformation and disinformation.

Thank you to our Corporate Members

OMSI’s would like to extend gratitude to Comcast for helping us bring this Learning Article to life.