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OMSI Star Party

March 13 beginning at 10:00 pm


Celebrate the beauty of the night sky at an OMSI Star Party!

Total Lunar Eclipse (Blood Moon) – Midnight Special!

Join OMSI and the Rose City Astronomers for a total lunar eclipse viewing on Thursday evening, March 13th. Weather permitting; a free viewing of the eclipse will begin at 10 pm at OMSI’s South Lot / Bridge Lot. The Rose City Astronomers and OMSI will have telescopes set up for attendees to use. OMSI Space Science Director, Jim Todd, will be giving informal talks about the lunar eclipse and the winter night sky.

About the Eclipse

On the evening of the 13th, the moon will move into the earth’s umbra shadow for a total lunar eclipse also known as the Blood Moon. The entire event starts with a partial beginning at 10:09 p.m. (March 13), maximum at 11:58 p.m. (March 13), and ending at 1:47 a.m. (March 14) At maximum, the moon will be 42 degrees above the south-southeast horizon, perfect for viewing. The entire event is visible from Europe, Much of Asia, Much of Australia, Much of Africa, North America, South America, the Pacific, the Atlantic, the Arctic, and Antarctica.

This total eclipse is central, meaning the moon’s disk passes through the axis of Earth’s umbral shadow. The total duration of the eclipse is 6 hours and 3 minutes with the total moon eclipse lasting 65 minutes! The Moon does not have any light of its own, it shines because its surface reflects sunlight. During a total lunar eclipse, the Earth moves between the Sun and the Moon and cuts off the Moon’s light supply. The surface of the Moon takes on a reddish glow instead of going completely dark. The red color of an eclipsed Moon has prompted many people in recent years to refer to total lunar eclipses as Blood Moons. Unlike their solar counterparts, total lunar eclipses are safe to view with the naked eye.

Timeline for Portland, OR

March 13, 2025
Moon rises at 6:56 pm
Sunset at 7:14 pm
Penumbral Eclipse Begins: 8:57 pm
Partial Eclipse Begins: 10:09 pm
Total Eclipse Begins: 11:26 pm
Greatest Eclipse: 11:58 pm

March 14, 2025
Total Eclipse Ends: 12:31 am
Moon transit: 1:18 am
Partial Eclipse Ends: 1:47 am
Penumbral Eclipse Ends: 3:00 am

The period between the beginning and end of all eclipse phases: 6 hours 3 minutes.

Frequently Asked Questions

Have questions? We have answers! Explore frequently asked questions. For more information please contact us at Info@OMSI.edu or 503-797-4000.

Can I bring my personal telescope and binocular?


Should I bring a flashlight?

If you’re planning to visit a local park or campground, there may be dedicated astronomers already there trying to view or take photographs of the night sky. To give everyone a chance to enjoy the darkness, please: arrive before dark if you can, do not leave headlights on after parking, and try to park so that your headlights aren’t aimed at any observing areas. Leaving headlights on while parked can ruin other’s dark-adapted vision or any night sky photography taking place.

What can I bring to the star party?

Recommend bringing lawn chairs, blankets, warm clothing, snacks, and water. Bug repellent is always a good idea. Flashlight or smartphone flashlight should be covered with red electrical tape

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Two students running chemistry experiments.

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