Future OMSI District

OMSI District Vision

A vibrant, inclusive new neighborhood and community destination rooted in innovation, culture, arts, and science learning in Portland’s Central City. The OMSI District will restore Tribal presence on the Willamette River and serve as a platform for innovation for the city, state, and region.

A community destination and inclusive neighborhood

The OMSI District will include 1,200 units of new market rate and affordable housing. It will feature a new public waterfront education park, a place of healing to explore and experience the river and land through a tribal lens of culture and science. Public plazas and event spaces will host indoor and outdoor labs, festivals, and diverse community events.

A hub for innovation, arts, and culture

Encompassing 24-acres and up to 3 million square feet of new mixed-use development, the OMSI District will create a one-of-a-kind public learning ecosystem. Home to OMSI, Portland Community College, Portland Opera, a Center for Tribal Nations, and mission-aligned businesses and organizations, it will serve as a platform for innovation, spreading opportunities throughout the state and region.

A center for science learning and climate action

With a goal of net zero carbon emissions and waste, the OMSI District will showcase and advance climate solutions through habitat restoration, sustainable transportation, and next-generation urban systems and technology. It will transform parking lots and brownfields into a neighborhood that adds 4.5+ acres of parks and green spaces to the Central Eastside. Through transportation and safety investments, it is projected to reduce CO2 emissions by 1.5+ metric tons.

A growth driver for the city, OMSI, and our partners

The OMSI District will create equitable community benefit and opportunities for intergenerational wealth building in communities typically excluded from the benefits of urban development. It will enable OMSI to further expand science programming in the city, state, and region. It is projected to generate 11,000+ new jobs, $11 million in annual City of Portland property taxes, $22 million in annual in-state personal income tax, and $1.2 billion in total economic output.

Projected to Generate

24 Acres

of transit-oriented, mixed-use development


units of new market rate and affordable housing


new jobs

$11 Million

annually in property taxes in Portland

$22 Million

annually in personal income tax revenue

$1.2 Billion

in total economic output

District Coalition

The vision for the OMSI District comes from a broad coalition that includes local, Tribal, and regional government entities, Indigenous groups, nonprofits, and businesses. Our collaborative effort is driving the development of this new, vibrant district.

Affiliated Tribes of Northwest Indians Logo
Northwest Native Chamber logo
Center for Tribal Nations Logo
Portland Community College logo
City of Portland Logo
Portland General Electric Logo
Portland Opera Logo
EPA Logo
Oregon Gov Logo
Oregon Metro Regional Government Logo
TriMet Logo

Featured News

$15.4 million OMSI District investment passed by Portland Council
September 4, 2024
The Portland City Council set the gears in motion for major updates to the OMSI District by unanimously passing a $15.4 million investment.

Visioning a Center for Tribal Nations and Waterfront Education Park in the OMSI District

Community Engagement in OMSI District Planning

Green Infrastructure + Climate Resiliency

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OMSI West entry

Project Resources

Project Summary

OMSI District One Pager

Economic Impact

OMSI District Economic Impact PDF

SE Water Ave BCA

SE Water Avenue Cost-Benefit Analysis PDF