The Roots of Wisdom activity guides support both formal and informal educators in communicating the value of traditional knowledge and shared science to youth and their families. Guides offer options for facilitating fun, interactive activities while also acting as a tool for connecting audiences to local indigenous communities.
Restoration Project Poster Boards
Students work in small groups to research a restoration project and create a poster board collage on how science and traditional knowledge are being used for environmental and cultural restoration. Students make a short presentation on their collage, which is put on display in a classroom or museum hosting the Roots of Wisdom exhibition.
Voices from Our Community
Students interview a Native American elder and a Native or non-Native scientist to gather different perspectives about the natural world.
Learn traditional knowledge through the craft of weaving. Participants will explore how the process of weaving can inform us about different cultures.
Exploring Natural Dyes
Learn traditional knowledge and environmental science through the craft of creating and using natural dyes. Participants will explore how to create dyes using natural and organic materials, how they behave on different types of fabrics, and how a range of colors can be created with just a few ingredients from the yard or kitchen.