Save the Date

Saturday, May 3, 2025 | 5:30 PM
Transforming Familiar
Every spring we gather to celebrate our combined efforts, and invite our community to continue investing in this exciting work during our annual Gala—the most important fundraising event we hold throughout the year. During this elegant soirée, attendees enjoy a sparkling cocktail hour, live music from local artists, an elegant dinner paired with regional wines, and receive an insider’s view of the people and programs that elevate OMSI as a leader of science education in our statewide community.
Our worlds are changing and OMSI is evolving. With our partners, we are creating a hopeful future where our ever-transforming programs and experiences inspire communities to develop creative solutions for local, regional, and global challenges. Our beloved and trusted offerings and new innovations will prepare the next generation of Oregonians for exciting career pathways and opportunities.
The OMSI Gala is a crucial fundraising event for OMSI. By sponsoring the gala, companies can support our mission of making science education accessible to everyone, particularly those from underrepresented groups. Sponsoring the gala also provides your companies with an opportunity to align your brand with an institution that is at the forefront of science education in the community.
Join us at the next Gala!
Thanks to your support, we raised over a million dollars in 2024 for science education. Your trust in our mission is deeply appreciated and empowers us to keep fostering curiosity in learners of all ages.
Save the date for the next OMSI Gala:
Saturday, May 3, 2025 at 5:30 PM
Gold Sponsors
10 Branch
Scott Clark & June Andrews
Edlen & Co. / ZGF Architects
Sonal and Gavin Haladay
KPFF, Mayer/Reed, & GRI
Jed and Milessa Lowrie
Northrup Corporation/Hoffman Construction
Event Sponsors
Challenge Match Sponsors
Arnerich Massena
Colas Construction
Leupold and Stevens Foundation
Oregon State University and the OSU Foundation
Beer, Wine + Liquor Sponsors
Anne Amie Vineyards
Compris Vineyard
Crux Fermentation Project
Ponzi Vineyards
Stoller Wine Group
Utopia Vineyards