The Oregon Museum of Science and Industry is committed to fostering safe, inclusive, and welcoming environments for all staff, volunteers, museum visitors, and program participants.
We are committed to ensuring that all OMSI experiences and spaces are free from harassment, threatening or disrespectful behavior, and discrimination of any kind. This includes, but is not limited to, content targeting individuals or groups based on race, color, national origin, gender, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, age, body size, disability, appearance, religion, citizenship, pregnancy, marital or familial status, or military or veteran status.
Anyone who engages in such conduct either on or off site will have their access revoked without notice or refund. If you have experienced or observed any violations of this agreement, or have any concerns, please alert a member of our staff immediately or contact OMSI Concierge at 503-797-4000 or
By attending OMSI experiences at the museum or in any location, you are agreeing to comply with this Visitation Agreement. We appreciate your participation in creating a welcoming and safe environment for all.
All visitors under the age of 13 must be accompanied by an adult.
Teen Tech Center
OMSI is a member of The Clubhouse Network: Where Technology Meets Imagination. Each Clubhouse provides a creative, safe, and free out-of-school learning environment where young people from underserved communities work with adult mentors to explore their own ideas, develop new skills, and build confidence in themselves through the use of technology. The Teen Tech Center’s code of conduct can be found here.
Service Animals
Service animals are welcome in the museum. Under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), a service animal is defined as a dog that has been individually trained to do work or perform tasks for an individual with a disability. Pets are not permitted.
Photos & Video
Photography and video for personal, noncommercial use are allowed in the museum and on OMSI premises unless indicated otherwise.
If you plan to conduct professional filming or photography for media productions, corporate or commercial distribution, or other public distribution, you must obtain approval from the marketing department. This ensures that all media productions align with OMSI’s guidelines and standards. Please contact with any inquiries.
If Sick, Stay Home
We ask all visitors who are sick or feel unwell to please stay home. Visitors are encouraged to wash and sanitize hands frequently during their visit. Hand sanitizing stations are available throughout our facilities.
While face masks are not currently required, all visitors who feel more comfortable wearing a face mask during their visit are encouraged to do so.
Visitation Policies
Visitation policies for OMSI premises are designed to protect visitors and staff as well as secure and preserve learning experiences, exhibits, and facilities.
While on OMSI premises*, visitors shall not:
- Carry firearms or weapons of any kind either openly or concealed on the premises. The prohibition applies to all visitors, including those with firearm permits, but not to active law enforcement personnel authorized to carry firearms
- Destroy, damage, or remove property
- Use loud, abusive, or otherwise improper language verbally or in writing
- Create any hazard to persons or things
- Perform obscene or indecent acts
- Engage in disorderly conduct
- Enter OMSI spaces in bathing suits or without clothing, shirts, or shoes (shoes may be removed in Science Playground)
- Possess, use, or sell illegal drugs or cannabis
- Possess alcohol not sold on our premises
- Smoke or vape in any OMSI building or outside of designated smoking areas
- Use personal transport devices (scooters, strollers, or wheelchairs, etc.) in a reckless, negligent, or unsafe manner
- Eat or drink in the Feature Exhibit Hall, Planetarium, or Labs
- Solicit, campaign, or distribute unauthorized literature
- Loiter, cook, camp, or sleep
*OMSI Camp Hancock and Camp Gray have exceptions to these rules. Camp Hancock and Camp Gray Code of Conduct can be found here.
OMSI Private Areas and Public Areas
For the safety of our visitors, OMSI galleries, attractions, workshops, events, camps, and other experiences require paid admission and are considered private areas. Behind the scenes areas that can only be accessed by authorized personnel are also considered private areas. Private areas also include 1800 Water Avenue, 342 SE Caruthers, Pepco, Camp Hancock, Camp Gray, and all warehouse areas. Public areas include the OMSI museum lobby, gift shop, Featured Hallway, Theory Restaurant, Planetarium Hallway, and Empirical Theater Hallway.
Social Media Channels
OMSI is committed to creating a safe and inclusive environment for all communities, both in person and on our social media and online platforms. We uphold a zero-tolerance policy for any content that is hateful, defamatory, obscene, discriminatory, or harassing. Learn more about our social media policy here.