In the News


For media inquires or to be added to the press list, please contact Annemarie Eayrs, Communications Manager, at (503) 797-4510 or, or contact Heather Wadia, at or (503) 797-4517. General inquiries may be sent to Any filming or photography in the museum for public distribution is not allowed without permission from OMSI’s marketing team.

Press Releases

Featured Stories


OMSI stacks up fun with hands-on Jurassic World experience

Two velociraptors built out of LEGO bricks

Portland Tribune

Trekkies and others: Sci-Fi Film Festival returns to OMSI

Still from the sci-fi movie Annihilation.


$15.4 million OMSI District investment passed by Portland Council

Photo of OMSI-owned building, Pepco, with OMSI sign in front

Columbia Basin Herald

OMSI Science Festival coming to Othello

An OMSI staff member works with kids at the Othello Library as part of the Science Fair program OMSI provides across the region