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For media inquires or to be added to the press list, please contact Annemarie Eayrs, Communications Manager, at (503) 797-4510 or, or contact Heather Wadia, at or (503) 797-4517. General inquiries may be sent to Any filming or photography in the museum for public distribution is not allowed without permission from OMSI’s marketing team.

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Fox12 The Portland City Council set the gears in motion for major updates to the OMSI District by unanimously passing a $15.4 million investment.

Photo of OMSI-owned building, Pepco, with OMSI sign in front

KPTV Fox 12 The upcoming OMSI exhibit “Exquisite Creatures Revealed” features intricate artworks created with preserved rare organisms from around the world. The pieces are designed to increase awareness and education about biodiversity.

Sea Star display from Christopher Marley's exhibit, Exquisite Creatures Revealed

Columbia Basin Herald OMSI brings the OMSI Science Festival program to the Othello Library and others in partnership with Mid-Columbia Libraries.

An OMSI staff member works with kids at the Othello Library as part of the Science Fair program OMSI provides across the region

NOAA announces OMSI will be the Pacific Northwest hub for gathering heat mapping data throughout the region.

Logo for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, a circle with an abstract design evoking the ocean, waves, and sky.